Towards Zero Gravity

Cosmic Worlds

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Biografija Reprodukcije Literatura

Dragan Živadinov (born in 1960)

Živadinov was born on 24 January 1960 in Ilirska Bistrica. He claims that he will die on 1 May 2045 when he will catapult himself into outer space as part of the fifty-years-long Noordung project. From 1980 to 1984 he studied stage directing at the Ljubljana Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television. In 1983 he founded the "retro-garde" Scipion Nasice Theatre, and in 1987 he founded the Red Pilot Cosmokinetic Theatre, transforming it into the Noordung Cosmokinetic Cabinet in the 1990s.
In the 1980s he staged retro-garde events (such as Krst pod Triglavom Triglav, 1986), and dramatic and ballet "observatories" (Fiat, 1987 and Zenit, 1988). Since the 1990s he has staged "goodbye rituals" (the first was Obred poslavljanja 20. 4. 1995) and "informances". In 1999 he carried out the first theatre show that entirely took place in zero gravity, Biomehanika Noordung.

He has been a constitutive member of the NSK movement (Neuse Slowenische Kunst), under the auspices and ideology by which his theatre operates.

Light and Dematerialization | Weight of the Body | Surreal | Cosmic Worlds